Wellbeing for a Whole You

Wholely is an evidence-based and equity-centered digital wellness platform that helps you recover from burnout, optimize your wellbeing, and reach peak performance.

Our Benefits and Features

Recover from burnout and live fully.

We equip you with the mindset and skills to reach your dream goals and lifestyle.

Get community support.

Join live support group calls with members to keep you encouraged and accountable.

Gain energy, joy, & purpose.

Use your lifestyle dashboard to track your growth across your wellbeing dimensions.

Prevent medical expenses.

Avoid the $125 Billion Americans spend annually on burnout-related expenses.


Wholely Wellbeing Cohorts

Join a cohort to revitalize your energy over 8 weeks with live classes and an engaged community of peer leaders.

Strengthen your whole-person health practices across your mental, emotional, physical, and mindful dimensions with peers in your industry or identity group.

With Wholely Cohorts, you’ll receive…

  • Weekly Live Expert-Led Sessions

  • 1:1 Check-ins with Coach

  • Burnout and Wellbeing Assessment  

  • App with Wellbeing Goals Dashboard and Tracker to monitor energy

  • Journal Reflection Prompts and Exercises

Wholely Wellbeing Coaching

In our one-on-one coaching, you’ll revitalize your energy and focus on building healthy habits over 12 weeks.

Receive personalized support for strengthening your whole-person health practices across your mental, emotional, physical and mindful dimensions.

Wholely Coaching provides…

  • Everything in Wholely Cohort


  • Bi-Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching with Wellbeing Coach

Consider this: Wholely is more affordable than traditional counseling, which can amount to $200/session or $800/month for Health Coaching, $250/session or $1000/month for Individual Therapy and even $300/session or $1200/month for Executive Coaching.

We are inviting the first 100 sign ups to become Wholely Founding Members. This grants you introductory pricing on our current programs, ability to shape our programs, and extra special gifts.

Join a community of people committed to living wholely.

“My stress level was through the roof, my health was falling apart, and I couldn’t sleep. Through conversations with my Wholely coach, I learned to seek careers that are in line with the skillset I have and lifestyle I want while being comfortable turning down offers that don’t align with my vision. I still make a great living but I now exercise daily, sleep well, and have time to spend with my husband.”

- Investment Banker turned Tech Executive